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What amendments must the client approve?Find out what changes in agreements have to be approved and how emails reflect them
Adding Out-of-Scope ChargesHow you can deal with and avoid missed charges
What situations trigger an email notification for my client?A complete list of cases in which your client will get an email notification from Anchor
What Does Anchor Help Me Achieve?Anchor FAQs
How Does Anchor Automate Payments?Anchor FAQs
What’s Anchor’s Pricing Structure?Anchor FAQs
How long does it take for a payment to reach my bank account?Anchor FAQs
What happens when a payment fails?Anchor FAQs
Does Anchor charge tax?Anchor FAQs
When will I receive payment for a net-term invoice?Anchor FAQs
When Does the Client Provide a Payment Method for Automated Payments?Anchor FAQs
Will My Client Get Charged for a Full Month if They Approve the Agreement at the End of the Month?Anchor FAQs
How to Verify a Client's Bank Account Using Micro-DepositsThis article will explain how to manually connect a client’s bank account for automated ACH payments
how should you charge a client for a new service in the middle of the month if they are billed on the first day of the month?Anchor FAQs
Is the Email About Client Activity Only Sent to the Person Who Sent the Agreement or to Everyone?Anchor FAQs
Are Credits Only Returned to the Client at the End of the Month?Anchor FAQs
When Anchor Sends an Email to My Client, Can My Client ‘Reply’ to That Email Who Will Receive the Reply?Anchor FAQs
My client is not willing to add a payment method before an invoice is issued. Is there anything I can do?Anchor FAQs
My Client Needs To Approve an Invoice With Their Accounting Department Before It Can Be Paid. Is There Anything I Can Do To Make the Process More Efficient Without Hurting the Payment Automation?Anchor FAQs
How does billing my international clients work?
1099-K Form Issuance