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What amendments must the client approve?

Find out what changes in agreements have to be approved and how emails reflect them

Dani from Anchor avatar
Written by Dani from Anchor
Updated over a week ago

As a rule of thumb, whenever a change requires your client to pay more than agreed in the agreement, we will need their approval. The list includes:

  • Service addition

  • Price increase

  • Discount reduction

  • Net terms reduction

  • Billing cycle shortened

  • Description of service change - this edit has no direct relation to the increase or decrease of items or prices but informs the client of a change in scope, and therefore the client must approve it.

Use our Auto-Approve Agreement Amendments feature to ensure that changes will take effect automatically after a defined period. Read more

πŸ’‘ Changes will always be notified to your client via email, even if they do not require approval. Below is a list of agreement changes and how they are reflected in an email sent:

Change made

Example message in the email

Service addition

Bookkeeping - has been added to our agreement.


Bookkeeping - price was changed from $200 to $300.


Payroll - discount was changed from 50% to 30%

Net terms

Payroll - payment terms were changed from 5 days to 3 days

Billing Cycle (monthly/weekly/etc)

Tax Collection - billing cycle was changed from monthly to weekly

Service description

Tax Collection - service description was changed

Service removed

Tax Collection – has been removed

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