Accountant Access enables you and your team to view your client's account information, including invoices, agreements, and payments, as well as manage their payment methods.
Video Overview
Get a quick walkthrough by watching the video below or keep reading and follow our written instructions.
Requesting Accountant Access from a new client:
Go to Proposals
Click on Send an agreement
Expand the Agreement terms
Mark the Request Accountant Access to your client’s account checkbox
Select whether this term is mandatory for signing the proposal or not
Your client will be asked to grant you Accountant Access as part of their proposal.
Requesting Accountant Access from an existing client:
Go to Contacts
Pick a client and click the 3 dots menu
Click on Request Accountant Access
Your client will receive an email about this request and we will notify you by email when they accept your request.
Please note: Accountant Access can only be requested from contacts who have an active agreement with you.
Accessing the client portal of a client with Accountant Access:
Go to Contacts
Pick a client and click the Anchor logo beside their name