The Dashboard provides an overview of key business metrics and information about clients and collections to help you build a profitable and efficient business.
Video Overview
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The Dashboard currently provides the following widgets:
Agreements pipeline
Tracks proposals' current status, including how many were sent, reviewed, got stuck due to a payment method issue, and accepted. The graph shows a breakdown of the stages clients go through when they are about to approve a proposal.
Each bar in the graph is clickable so you can continue to the relevant page and review it.
Provides visibility into invoices that require your attention and are expected to be paid. Let’s review each metric together:
Require attention - these are invoices that are waiting to be processed for payment, but won’t be processed without your involvement. This is usually the case when there are missing quantities or hours in certain invoices or when clients need to approve the invoice.
This metric sums up the ‘Missing quantity’, ‘Payment issues’, and ‘Pending client approval’ chart bars.
Excepted to be paid - these are invoices that are expected to be paid automatically, with no need for manual intervention.
The graph shows a breakdown of all possible invoice statuses and lets you track how many of your invoices will be paid automatically.
💡 Please note
The Payment issues bar takes into account three statuses (Disputed, Requires payment validation, Payment failed).
In the Invoices chart, we do not display bars with zero values.
So for example, if you don't have an invoice with the status "missing quantity" then it won't have a section (bar) in the chart.
Expected earnings
Provides visibility into the revenue generated from approved agreements as well as forecasted amounts for the current month.
In your bank account - these are payments that have already been processed and deposited into your bank account.
Collected successfully - every payment that will be deposited in your bank account within 1-2 days.
Pending verification - are ACH payments that are pending clearance. ACH payments take 5-9 business days to complete. When an ACH payment is completed, it first moves to "Collected" and when deposited to your bank account will move to "paid this month".
Future payments - issued invoices that are expected to be paid before the end of the current month.
💡 Hover over the question marks to learn more about each metric!
💡 Please note
'Future payments' metric can also reflect payments for invoices from the previous month, depending on the payment terms or the invoice issue date.
For example, if an invoice issue date was the last day of the previous month and the payment is still processing (2-9 business days, depending on the payment method used).
Here’s an example of the calculation: May 30th + processing time (2-9 days) = invoice will be paid during June.
Still have questions? Feel free to send us a message by sending an email to [email protected], our team is always happy to help!