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Dashboard Overview

Keep track of your business performance with the Anchor dashboard

Dani from Anchor avatar
Written by Dani from Anchor
Updated over 2 months ago

The Dashboard is your central hub for monitoring the health and performance of your business with Anchor. It provides an at-a-glance view of your agreements, invoices, payouts, revenue, and proposals.
Below, we break down each of the six sections on the Dashboard page.


Provides visibility into invoices that require your attention and are expected to be paid. Let’s review each term together:

  • Processing - Funds still in transit from your clients’ accounts.
This process can take up to 3 business days and may be affected by refunds or payment failures.

  • Require attention - This breakdown ensures you can quickly identify and address issues affecting payments. it represents the total value and number of invoices requiring your attention due to various reasons listed below:

    • Requires client approval

    • Payment validation required

    • Missing payment method

    • Payment Failed

    • Disputed

    • Stopped by client


A visual graph helps track the number of agreements and proposals awaiting approval over time.

  • Active Agreements - The number of signed agreements that 
are neither terminated nor completed.

  • Active agreements monthly recurring revenue - the monthly recurring revenue accounts for fixed-price services
that are automatically billed. If packages are offered, the package with 
the lowest value is used in the calculation and optional services, if offered, 
are excluded from the calculation.

  • Awaiting Approval - The number of proposals that are awaiting your clients’ approval.

  • Awaiting Approval monthly recurring revenue - The monthly recurring revenue accounts only for fixed-price services
that are automatically billed.


This section keeps you informed about the cash flow from your clients.

  • Paid this month - Funds transferred to your bank account this month via Anchor.

  • Processing - Funds still in transit from your clients’ accounts.
This process can take up to 3 business days and may be affected by refunds or payment failures.


Provides visibility into invoices that require your attention and are expected to be paid. Let’s review each term together:

  • Earned this year - The total revenue earned so far this year, 
including payments recorded as paid externally.

  • Expected this year - The total revenue expected for this year, including the revenue earned this year and the revenue from scheduled invoices for the rest of the year.

Sent proposals

This section provides insights into your proposal effectiveness and helps you keep track of your proposals' progress.

  • Proposals sent this year - The total number of proposals you've sent through Anchor so far this year (Since Jan 1).

  • Median time to sign - the median time it takes for clients to sign proposals within the past 90 days.

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